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I Still Sing Your Lullabies: A mother’s love & loss
I Have Lost My Three Daughters
Early as I can remember
Back in the cloudy years
Of my adolescent dreaming
I wanted each one of you
Your birth certificates are mine
The only proof left
I ever gave birth
To three daughters
You recede into the fog
Of stolen childhoods
Where tennis shoes wait
On the floor of the closet
Blankets remain folded
At the end of the bed
Toothbrushes still hang
At the sink
Years have gone by
Still, I wake in the night
Tiptoe into your room
Wanting to check on you
as you sleep
I have lost my three daughters
The future I held in my hands
The day you were born
I sit here with empty arms
Put pen to paper
Hoping you know
I still sing your lullabies
Published In
I Still Sing Your Lullabies
As for Life
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